Liza’s Street Team
I invite you to join my street team! My street team is already in action for my debut book Two Novembers: A Memoir of Love ’n’ Sex in Sonnets, but sign up if you want to support my next book, an autobiographical novel.
What is a street team?
A street team is a group of fans who spread the word about a writer’s book. No writer can achieve success alone. Fans are crucially important.
Am I right for Liza’s Street Team?
You are right for my street team if you like my writing and want to read more of it and support it.
You do not have to know me personally. If we have never met or have met only once, you will be a valuable street team member because you will be especially objective. If you know me personally, you are also very welcome to join my street team.
What are the perks of Liza’s Street Team?
- Receive a free advanced reader copy (ARC) of my book.
- Be the first to read my book. Read it before it’s published!
- Use your creativity to think up new promotional ideas.
- Get exclusive sneak peeks into my publishing and writing life.
- Feel good about helping a writer succeed.
What are the responsibilities of Liza’s Street Team?
- Receive your free ARC of my book. It may be a digital or paper copy.
- Read the book.
- Post an honest review on Amazon with at least two written sentences.
- Do at least one (ideally more than one) of the following:
- Post an honest review on Goodreads with at least two written sentences.
- Recommend the book to someone you know.
- Recommend the book on social media.
- Promote the book in another way.
What if I don’t like the book?
Honesty is key here. It’s okay to dislike the book. Whatever you post online and say to people should reflect your truthful opinion.

What if I join, but change my mind?
You can leave my street team at any time, no questions asked, no offense taken.
How do I sign up?
Fill in the form below. I will email you when it’s time to start doing steps 1-4. Thank you for volunteering to be on my street team. You will be a vital part of my journey as a writer! Questions? Contact me.