laptop magazine and tea on round wooden table

I’m excited to announce that both of my Meetup groups are back in business!

Both groups follow a similar format. We meet by Zoom to share what we’ve been up to lately (reading or writing, depending on the group). Then we turn off Zoom and engage in the activity (reading or writing, depending on the group) silently in our own homes. Then we reconvene by Zoom to share what we just did (reading or writing, depending on the group).

It’s lots of fun and a good way to meet other readers or writers. The groups used to meet at local restaurants, but with Zoom, you can join from anywhere. All are welcome.

These groups used to meet every other week. I’m strongly considering having them meet every week in the future. This will depend on interest, of course. But I feel that during these coronavirus times, the more social interaction we can get, the better. If you are a group member, let me know your thoughts.

What have you been reading or writing lately?