Hello Blog Readers,
As you know, I have been mostly in absentia for the past few months. I wrote a book during that time. It is a memoir, and it chronicles unusual thoughts and experiences that I have had from the age of 5 to the present. Upon completing the book, I pitched it to literary agents. I have received a few rejections and a few radio silences, and this is unfortunately to be expected. I have received no interest as of yet. And it might well stay that way. The competition is fierce. But I threw my hat into the ring, or my name into the hat, or my ring into the name, or whatever the expression is.
In other news, I got a brand new spiffy job. I am now a policy technical writer for a contractor to USDA. It’s going well, and I am grateful for this blessing. As I transition from being a person without a steady income to a person with a steady income, and from a person of poor health to a person of pretty good health, I’ve also been thinking a lot about what I want my life to look like in my future. I have decided that gardening and chicken raising, which have defined my life for the past several years, are not activities I would like to continue. (If anyone ever told you homesteading was easy, that is a myth.) It’s raining right now as I type, which is good because my landscaper took out my herb garden and put in flowers, and the flowers need extra water during their transplantation phase. I’m looking forward to being able to ignore my yard without guilt.
Another of my goals is to go into DC more often. I would like to experience more theater, more comedy, more poetry readings, more live music.
I would also like to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones.
And I would like to write more, read more, and keep connecting with you, blog readers. Speaking of the blog, you may have noticed that my book previews are now one post long, instead of three. One blog post should be enough to entice you toward—or repel you from—reading that particular book. And so this blog continues to evolve.
Thus, I am unrepentantly pursuing my life goals. If something’s not a part of my few core goals, I am unrepentantly ripping them out . . . like the garden beds, deer fence, and various vegetable plants that were demolished last weekend by my landscaper. It was painful to go through with that decision. But I heard on a podcast recently that you can only achieve a certain number of goals, because our time in life is limited. This means you have to be unrepentant in cutting out the overgrown things that don’t fit, that are hindering you from doing what you want to do in this life.
What do you want your life to look like in the future? Are you making the hard decisions needed to achieve those goals?
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Wow, Liza! You’ve said a mouthful here and accomplished A LOT since last I read a blog!! Good for you for your focus!! I commend you and wish you well. AND you have given me a lot to think about. There is a ton of crap in my life right now that requires some serious sorting through, and I’m thinking I need to get at it!
Hi, Eileen! Thank you, and I wish you well, too! Yes, we all have a lot of unnecessary crap in our lives….. Take good care!