magazine open on a sofa

“My writing career, like all writing careers, has been one of dashed hopes, of rising from failure, and of trying again. Writing is a pick-yourself-up, dust-yourself-off profession. It’s a business of endurance.”
—Siân Griffiths, “When the Affair Is Over,” Poets & Writers, Sept/Oct 2022

Indeed. That’s why I’m so excited to have a string of wins to report to you this late summer. It’s so very rare, and I am celebrating.

Today, I am honored to share with you the publication of two sonnets in The Big Windows Review. The first poem in this selection is a spoof on popular magazines. The second poem uses film as a metaphor. Both the first and second poems tell the real-life story of my love life. Read them here!

And stay tuned for more published poetry. . . .