Tennis court flooring

So what’s that big book about, anyway?

That fat book you’ve been reading for months on end—the one with a blue sky and white cloud on the cover—what’s the deal with that? Is it about the sky?

I’ve heard of it, Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, but before I commit to such an undertaking as to actually attempt to read the thing, can you please, please, please give me a hint as to what it’s about?

Um . . .

Tennis? Drugs? America? Life itself? Yeah, one could say it’s about the sky. . . .

However, one of the many joys of IJ is discovering for yourself what it’s about. It may take a hundred or more pages of reading to even begin to put the picture together. But clarity does come . . . phenomenal clarity . . . along with a big dose of ambiguity. That’s my kind of book.

What’s yours?