Another year’s end has snuck up on us: Happy New Year’s Eve! Let’s take a moment to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future. Let’s do it for old times’ sake! We do it every year; why break a good tradition now? . . . especially since it’s such a wise and valuable tradition.
New Year’s Resolutions
Have you made any resolutions for the upcoming year? If so, I’d love to hear what they are—tell me about them in the comments!
As for me, I’m pretty boring—that is, consistent and persistent and other positive adjectives like those—because I make the same resolution every year. My New Year’s resolution for 2019, as for every year, is to read 50 books. I only rarely achieve this goal, to tell the truth, but it’s good, I feel, to have high aspirations.
This year I read a total of 37 books. Gulp—that’s not nearly as close to 50 as I would have liked. However, I did, this year, read the 1079-page masterwork Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace, from start to finish. That must count for at least 10 or 20 books . . . right?
In any case, I am finding it more and more important, in the digital age, to stake out reading time for myself. Early in the morning and before bed seem to be the best reading times for me. I love, love, love reading—but, still, my phone calls to me softly. Softly, incessantly, it beckons; I have to resist, and to actively decide to read: as opposed to tap and scroll around aimlessly. Does anyone else struggle with this? Any tips?
More Opposites That Are the Same
While writing my post Shopping Cart Wisdom, I was delighted to stumble across another set of opposite words with the same meaning! (See my recent post These Two? Exactly the Same.)
Writing about the categorical imperative, a philosophy developed by Kant, made me wonder about the word categorical. Shouldn’t that, I thought, be uncategorical? The answer is no. Confusingly, the word categorical means “unconditional” or “unqualified.” We modern folk, however, often add -un and say uncategorical when we mean categorical. Technically, these two words are opposites; but in everyday usage, they have, mistakenly, come to have the same meaning. Check out the embarrassing malapropism in this video between 0:30 and 0:40 . . . oops.
This prefix confusion made me think of another duo of opposites! Inflammable means “capable of being set on fire; combustible.” It’s a relative of the word inflame. However, as this word is very important for safety reasons, people started using the word flammable to mean the same thing, fearing that people might mistakenly think that the prefix in- means “not.” And so we have two words that seem as if they could be opposites, but have the same meaning. (See dictionary.com’s Usage note for more info!)
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What Is a Blog?
While we’re on the subject of word usage, let’s talk about the word blog. Its etymology is “web” + “log” = weblog, or blog for short. A blog is a log—that is, a diary or journal—that’s on the web. Nobody uses weblog anymore (did anyone ever?), but it’s a good mnemonic device: a blog is a web log containing many entries. Each individual entry is called a post. Admittedly, some dictionaries have a secondary definition indicating that one post can be referred to as a blog; but other dictionaries do not. I’d like to stand by my assertion that a blog is the entire collection, not just one item in the collection.
Auld Lang Syne
I’ll refrain from analyzing the etymology of auld lang syne, as doing so may try the patience of all of us! Besides, we have things to do, places to go, people to meet, and flammable and inflammable objects to ignite . . . or at least watch being ignited. Have a fabulous last day of 2018 and first day of 2019!
I have, at times, wondered if the old flammable/inflammable situation isnβt a clue to an ancient and secret society of grammar/vocabulary social engineers bent on introducing subtle long term opportunities for Darwin to thin some of the less attentive individuals from the herd……Iβm not saying that is definitely the case, but you have to admit it would explain a lot about the English language.
Hahaha!! You crack me up, James! π
Nicely written and informative article (as usual). Thanks for the clip of Clarence Thomas, which I remember clearly, by the way–however, his use of the term “uncategorical” never occurred to me, then, see that he was rhythmically speaking on his own behalf. LOL!! And yes, you raise a good point re: the terms “inflammable” and “flammable” meaning the same thing, especially with the prefix “in-” meaning “not.”
My new year’s resolution is much the same as last year’s, except now I’m plan to step up my game…. I’ll fill you in later… :).
Now I’m curious about what your resolution is!
Happy New Year to you, Liza! I hope this year is not flammable nor inflammable.
Thanks for the delightfully thoughtful blog essays. They’re fun to read.
My new year’s resolution is to find peace and some happiness in the world and my life.
Happy New Year, Jean!! Peace and happiness to you!! π