It was already mid-January, but the inquisitive one figured, better late than never.
Sitting down at the kitchen table with a pencil and pad of paper, the i.o. started writing:
1. I will run to Mars and back, passing through the rings of Saturn on the way.
2. Whenever I notice something blue, I will turn my face upwards and howl.
3. I will wear a face mask every time I clean my set of crystal and gold goblets.
4. Whenever someone disagrees with me, I will punch them in the face and walk away.
5. I will go back in time, preferably to the time of the dinosaurs, and study the past.
6. I will heed the Wise Ant when the Wise Ant says something wise, but not otherwise.
I happened to be at the i.o.’s house at this time, standing over the i.o.’s shoulder, reading the list.
“These resolutions don’t make any sense,” I remonstrated. “You don’t even own a set of crystal and gold gobl—”
The inquisitive one punched me in the face and walked away.
Good read. Makes me think about how many New Years resolutions are unsustainable. Although I may try some of these.
Haha, let me know how it goes š