This blog is all about seeking wisdom through books (and elsewhere). Good books. Really good books. I’m zeroed in on those books that are particularly artful, informational, and excellently written.
I just discovered a podcast that features the opposite: books that really suck. Often this occurs when an author peddles some half-baked idea without any research to back it up. And then millions of people buy it—literally and figuratively. I’m enjoying this podcast that’s an inverse of this blog because it helps shine a light on what’s great by identifying what’s not, and why.
The podcast in question is called If Books Could Kill.
Have you read a book lately that practically killed you through bad writing?
The only book I’ve attempted to read and get maybe 10 pages in at most before walking it over to the recycling bin was James Joyce l, Finnegan’s Wake. I probably should have donated to a library looking back but I was so p-off. And I guess I’m not alone as reportedly the book has been agreed to be a work largely unread by the general public
Did you try listening to the audio version? … (Just kidding, lol)