cheerleader with sign that says GO

This is all very exciting: I just finished reviewing the galleys for my upcoming book. The cover is designed. The inside pages are laid out properly and (hopefully, since I checked it a million times) without typos. Next step: the printer!

Two Novembers: A Memoir of Love ā€™nā€™ Sex in Sonnets is being published in mid-2024 by Beltway Editions. It is a chronicle of my love life for one year, told in Shakespearean sonnets.

As I reviewed the galleys, I went through all the normal writerly stages of publishing: self-doubt; self-laceration; and bald, eye-popping panic. Thankfully, I have come out on the other side with a newfound calm and sense of purpose.

Now I need your help.

I’m forming a street team. Summoning my highest capacity for originality, I gave it the name “Liza’s Street Team.”

The idea of a street team originated with musicians. Fans of a singer or band would hit the streets, putting up fliers and encouraging passersby to come to shows.

Later, writers got in on the street team action. However, true to form, we use the term metaphorically. We don’t need our fans to hit the literal streets. We need them to mob the internet. We need them to post honest reviews on sites like Amazon. We need them to promote our writing on social media and through word of mouth.

There are perks! Join my street team, and you will receive a free, electronic advanced reader copy (ARC) of my book, before it is published. Read it before anyone else does! You will also have the opportunity to chat with other street team members, use your creativity to think up new promotional ideas, and gain exclusive access to sneak peeks from yours truly.

Calling All Blog Readers āž”ļø I Need Your Help šŸ™
Support the manifestation of my new novel šŸ“• Get rewards in return šŸŽ Bookish articles on Wednesdays šŸ“ƒ Behind-the-scenes articles on Fridays šŸ«£ Snail mail postcards šŸ“Ŗ Other secret extras šŸ’ I'm a dedicated author āœļø I wouldn't ask if I didn't truly need you šŸ›Ÿ It's not like you can buy anything else for $4 in this economy šŸ’µ
šŸ‘‰ Join Patreon, where fans support living artists and creators! šŸ‘ˆ

Most of all, you will be helping a writer and poet who truly needs your help.

I do need your help! No writer, or any type of artist, can succeed alone.

Will you join my street team? Click here to learn more about Liza’s Street Team and sign up! This will be fun!!!!

I’ll be back soon with a new blog post previewing a must-read book that I loved. Stay tuned!